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July 16, 2024

The Horry County HOME Consortium is seeking applications from developers, non-profits, local governments, and Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) for eligible HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) homeowner and tenant based rental assistance projects. 

HOME funds may be used to develop affordable homeownership housing through the acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, or rehabilitation of affordable housing. Activities may include acquisition of single family housing for homeownership, new construction, rehabilitation, reconstruction, conversion, and other expenses including financing costs and temporary relocation expenses of any households, businesses, or organizations. HOME funds may also be used to provide tenant based rental assistance, a rental subsidy that serves to fill the funding gap between what a household is able to pay towards rent and the fair market rent for a housing unit.

The deadline for submission of applications is August 12, 2024 at 5 p.m.

Additionally, applications for CHDO certification and CHDO operating assistance are available for qualifying organizations with a CHDO-eligible project submission. Applications and reference documentation are also available at: horrycountysc.gov/departments/community-development/public-notices/. For more information on HOME Program eligibility and requirements, please visit the Community Development Webpage or visit the HUD Exchange

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2025 Grand Strand Legislative Reception

Join us in Columbia for our 2025 Grand Strand Legislative Reception sponsored by Coastal Carolinas Association of Realtors, Coastal Carolina University, Horry Georgetown Technical College and Golf Tourism Solutions.
