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January 31, 2025

Welcome New Members - January 2025

Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce encourages investors to do business with other chamber members. Please consider these new stakeholders the next time you have a need for products/services. New member referral? Contact Pam Wright, business development manager, 843-916-7220. Need to...

January 30, 2025

New Volunteer Registration For Myrtle Beach Classic Opens Feb. 5

If you’d like to get involved with the 2025 Myrtle Beach Classic, scheduled from May 5-11 at the Dunes Golf and Beach Club, here’s your chance. New volunteer registration will open on Feb. 5 at MyrtleBeachClassic.com and stay open until all positions are filled. Returning volunteers completed...

More News

lightning striking sign reading are you ready?
July 22, 2019

Will Your DR Plan Weather the Storm(s)?

Hey Myrtle Beach, hurricane season 2019 is here. We have endured multiple years of catastrophic weather, fires and earthquakes provide reason enough to re-evaluate your disaster recovery (DR) plan. Especially if your business operates on or near a U.S. coastline. Florence, Michael and Matthew....

computer screen with ransomware attack alert
June 6, 2019

Why Health Care Businesses Must Fortify Against Ransomware

Ransomware rapidly is becoming the weapon of choice for cybercriminals targeting health care businesses. Per research shared in a recent Information Management article, health care organizations reported an 89% year-over-year increase in ransomware attacks, with smaller health care firms bearing...

woman at clothing rack picking out items
April 15, 2019

Looking Professional In a Casual World

Living in the “laid back” world at the beach, looking professional in the workplace can be a challenge.  However, there is never an excuse to look unprofessional. Within a few seconds when we first meet someone, we begin to form an opinion – it’s human nature. So, no matter your occupation, when...

coins on top of phone
April 5, 2019

How to Prevent and Detect Cryptojacking

Cryptojacking, illegally creating e-coin value for one’s own electronic piggy bank, requires massive computing power that far exceeds one or even dozens of PCs linked together. The practice, perpetuated by a new breed of cybercrooks called ‘crypto miners,' displaced ransomware last year as the...

woman holding glasses and rubbing eyes
March 29, 2019

Environmental Conditions Can Aggravate Dry Eye

Eyes can be aggravated by such environmental conditions as air blasting from the vents in cars, offices and homes, winds whipping at our faces and even wet, moldy spaces. Whether it's dry eye, allergies or other aggravating eye conditions, your eye care provider can provide relief.

power of attitude
March 9, 2019

The Power of Attitude

Tom Winslow with Goldfinch Winslow Law Firm looks at how attitude can impact service.

messy files
March 8, 2019

High Costs of Disorganization

Do you have paperwork stacks littered throughout your office/home without really knowing what’s in them? Could most of your drawers be considered junk drawers? If so, there are several costs associated with this disorganization that you’re probably not aware of. 

March 6, 2019

Four Disaster Recovery Best Practices That Could Help Save Your Bacon

Four Disaster Recovery Best Practices That Could Help Save Your Bacon by Chris Bianco, TeamLogic IT – Myrtle Beach A small enterprise and rock-solid techs by no means guarantee a speedy bounce-back when unplanned IT failures or other outages occur. Believing they are is a recipe for,...

March 5, 2019

Ophthalmologists Say 90 Percent of Work-Related Eye Injuries Can be Avoided

Caring for your eyes should be a high priority and part of an overall workplace wellness routine. Each day, about 2,000 U.S. workers sustain a job-related eye injury that requires medical treatment. However, 90 percent of these accidents can be avoided by wearing eye protection. As part of an...

photo of man reading book next to stack of books
February 1, 2019

It's Never Too Late to Go Back to School

Ever hear the expression, it’s never too late to go back to school? Well, according to Georgetown University’s Public Policy Institute you may want to pursue a graduate degree today.

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