Tell us about your job position and some of your typical work tasks.
I am the director of group tour sales. I spend a good bit of my day on the phone making prospect calls and tradeshow follow-up calls. When I am not on the phone I am usually attending tour & travel trade shows.
Favorite food
Favorite drink
Diet cherry Coke (from Sonic)
How do you give back to the community?
I am the lifetime membership chair with Coastal Network Cooperative. Throughout the year we support multiple charities such as New Directions, Grand Strand Humane Society, Toys for Tots and a scholarship has been established at HGTC for tourism students.
What’s your favorite thing to do in Myrtle Beach?
Go to the beach
Tell us about your family/pets.
A dog named Penny. She was a rescue and was supposed to be the size of a Jack Russel, she is the size of a small horse with a cute personality.