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July 19, 2022

The Horry County Solid Waste Authority (SWA) is a nonprofit organization established in 1990 by Horry County Council. Their mission is to be an independent, innovative, responsive organization that aggressively provides comprehensive, cost-effective solid waste management in an environmentally sound manner, incorporating state-of-the-art methods and technology, and educating the public on responsible waste management.

They achieve their mission through many avenues.

One is recycling centers. The SWA operates 25 recycling centers across the county. They also have a school recycling program where they challenge students to see who can recycle the most and award prizes to the winning schools.

They also have a partnership with Horry County Council on Aging (HCCA) through “The Store” which sells anything from household items, toys and furniture to lawn & garden, books and building supplies. The purpose is to prevent waste, serve the public, and to conduct a successful business that can help contribute to the HCCA Home-Delivered Meal Program for homebound senior citizens

The SWA adopted a highway where they pick up litter along eight miles of S.C. Hwy. 90, from the Santee Cooper Lay Down Yard to Tilly Swamp. Not only have they picked up trash, but they have recycled a lot, too, with 26,316 tons recycled in 2021.

In 2021, the recycling rate in Horry County was 27.77% compared to the statewide rate 23.89%. The SWA hopes to improve participation in recycling across the county. To encourage recycling, the SWA has no tipping fee for recycled materials like they do for trash.

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