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January 31, 2025

Welcome New Members - January 2025

Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce encourages investors to do business with other chamber members. Please consider these new stakeholders the next time you have a need for products/services. New member referral? Contact Pam Wright, business development manager, 843-916-7220. Need to...

January 30, 2025

New Volunteer Registration For Myrtle Beach Classic Opens Feb. 5

If you’d like to get involved with the 2025 Myrtle Beach Classic, scheduled from May 5-11 at the Dunes Golf and Beach Club, here’s your chance. New volunteer registration will open on Feb. 5 at MyrtleBeachClassic.com and stay open until all positions are filled. Returning volunteers completed...

More News

April 2, 2021

City of Myrtle Beach Lifts Face Mask Mandate

A message from Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Karen Riordan following the April 1, 2021, decision by City of Myrtle Beach officials to lift the mask mandate placed on businesses. 

July 21, 2020

Effort From Everyone Will Keep the Grand Strand Grand

It has been disheartening to see recent news stories reporting our Grand Strand area as one of the United States’ hottest spots for COVID-19.  For decades, the Myrtle Beach area has been a beloved tourism destination, serving hospitality and generating family memories.

July 16, 2020

Investor Messages From Karen Riordan

Updates on what the chamber is doing to assist the community.

Message From Karen Riordan
June 28, 2020

MBACC Supports Inclusion and Acceptance for all Citizens

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the first Pride March, a celebration that began in honor of the Stonewall Riots of 1969 that helped further the rights of the LGBTQ community in our country. 

June 18, 2020

Make the Greater Grand Strand Promise

Message from Karen Riordan asking you to make the Greater Grand Strand Promise.

June 18, 2020


Watch this message from Karen Riordan asking everyone to take the 2020 Census.

beach skyline with words reading from the desk of karen riordan
June 11, 2020

MBACC Committed to Fostering Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

The Myrtle Beach Area Chamber condemns discrimination, exclusion, and marginalization based on race and ethnicity in our community and anywhere in the world. And we stand with those peacefully protesting and speaking up to have their voices heard as they march for justice.   The Grand Strand...

June 1, 2020

Show Your Love for the Beach Campaign Encourages Residents to Support Local Business

Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce has launched a local campaign to encourage residents to support small businesses as they work to recover from their recent financial losses.

beach skyline with words reading from the desk of karen riordan
May 31, 2020

Demonstrations Planned Today in Myrtle Beach & Conway

As a reminder, there will be some planned peaceful demonstrations in the Grand Strand area today, including in the City of Myrtle Beach and Conway.

May 26, 2020

We Must Be Vigilant About Safety

Myrtle Beach was founded as a vacation destination for families and we are going to do everything we can as a chamber to support our city and our law enforcement to ensure we remain one of America’s favorite family beach destinations.

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