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Help your chamber grow

Your Referrals = New Chamber Investors + New Business Connections

Would you like to earn rewards for referrals? Receive recognition while helping the chamber grow? Participate in the chamber’s Investor Referral program ... it's that easy.

Myrtle Beach Area Chamber of Commerce's Investor Referral program is a great opportunity to help your chamber and your business grow. When you refer a company that becomes an investor of the chamber, we will extend our gratitude by taking $25 off your renewal invoice or sending you a $25 gift card. Plus the referred business also will receive a $25 discount on their membership. You can refer as many businesses as you like! Add it up … four referrals equals a Benjamin Franklin in the bank!

Referral Terms and Conditions

  • When we contact the referred business, we will mention you or your company as the referring business.
  • There is no limit to the number of referrals you can make.
  • Submit referrals to be eligible for the $25.
  • If a referral is submitted more than once, the chamber will honor the first referring party only.
  • The referring investor must be in good standing with current year's dues fully paid.
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LGS Alumni Leadership Training

For the first time, Leadership Grand Strand is offering continuing leadership development from the current LGS leadership trainer, Hop2it Consultants, for alumni! The training will be held Friday March 14 from 9 a.m. to noon in the chamber’s boardroom.
